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Open Book

Books I Recommend

The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang

This book is brutal and beautiful. Definitely for adult readers as it handles dark topics such as, substance abuse, war crimes, assault and murder of children, and many other terrible happenings of war. 

In saying that, I think my favourite thing about this book is how it handles those topics. Nothing is glorified, the author is very blunt and honest when addressing them and does a great job of making the reader feel the horror that the main character also feels. 


Check it out:


The Collected Works of Edgar Allen Poe

For people who know me, this will not be a surprise. I love Edgar Allen Poe and his gothic tales of horror. So few of them involve supernatural elements and I think that's what makes them truly terrifying. 

My favourite short story is The Black Cat. 

My favourite poem is Annabel Lee. 


Check it out:


Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

If you're going to read a Cassandra Clare book/series, let it be this one. 

I have been reading Cassie's books since I was fourteen and now, as a 27-year-old woman, I can say with my whole heart that this is my favourite book series of all time. 

This was the first series to make me absolutely sob and, to be completely honest, it still does even after my 10th reread. 


Check it out:


The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

I know, I know, classic fantasy writers move to include a Tolkien book in their recommended list. 

What can I say? I really did enjoy this book!

The whimsical and sometimes creepy vibes are great and I think we can all relate to Bilbo in some way. 


Check it out:


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab

This is a tricky one. 

At first, I didn't enjoy this book, but it stuck with me. And over time I've thought about it and sat with it and I think it's now one of my favourites. 

There's not much plot, you could argue there is no plot, and there are definitely things the author could have improved on, but this book...Looking back, this book was just beautiful and sad. I for one, really saw myself in the character of Henry. 

The language in this book is so beautiful and well crafted, you can tell the author took the time to really think of each word. 

I have never had a book stick in my mind like this one has and for that alone, I recommend it. 


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Dragon Keeper by Carole Wilkinson

This is the book that got me into reading as an eleven-year-old struggling to learn how. 

The whole Dragon Keeper series, mainly the Trilogy with Ping, holds a very special place in my heart. It is a middle-grade series but that doesn't mean it holds anything back. This book can be brutal, sad and inspiring. The writing is just as beautiful as Addie LaRue and it has dragons. 


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